Friday, March 21, 2008
Syria: We're ready to negotiate - Jerusalem Post
![]() RussiaToday | Syria: We're ready to negotiate Jerusalem Post - By JPOST.COM STAFF Syria is ready to renew negotiations with Israel on condition that this move will not influence the peace process between Israel and the Palestinians, the country's foreign minister, Walid Moallem, was quoted as saying Friday. Lavrov: We'll urge Israel to take part in Moscow conference US Rep. Gary Ackerman (DN.Y.) explained remarks that were critical ... |
E-carpool Networks service offers a different way of travelling for those who would like to save money and experience a new travelling opportunity. Carpooling means to share a ride with one or more travellers to a common destination. Travelling with unknown people also increases the chances of a pleasant conversation and to get to know nice people.
Besides making use of the capacity of a car is quite important nowadays. Less consumption of oil can reduce common pollution, global warming, emissions of greenhouse gases and save considerable expenses from gasoline, oil, tires, auto depreciation, tolls, parking and in some cases insurance. Carpooling can also reduce time spent on the road, because carpools can use High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes. If an HOV lane is available, trips may take less time. It is fairly flexible, passengers can use their time better and they can share driving responsibilities.
Our goal is to give travellers the opportunity to travel the cheapest way possible with maximum independence, flexibility, and the added opportunity of meeting fellow travellers with the same interests.
Through this European-wide carpooling website, anybody can find partners for ride-sharing, either passenger or driver. Users have the option of a multilingual "Search Menu" which allows them to locate drivers and/or passengers. This multilingual feature includes most of the European languages. "Our goal is to give travellers the opportunity to travel the cheapest way possible with maximum independence, flexibility, and the added opportunity of meeting fellow travellers with the same interests." can be read at the website.
Registration of IP numbers, verification of personal data, and the user rating system (similar to the one used by e-bay) prominently increase safety and privacy. There are several kind of lists which can help to seek the information easier: destination cities, departure cities, upcoming offers and so on. More advantages of the website that users can add their cities into the system and the system recognizes cities which users travel through and adds regional adverts accordingly. There is also a price calculator in the menu in order to help calculate the fare.
Fruzsina Csery writes for Ride for Cents. You can find more information at